Keep Gov. Bill Richardson away from my kids.

Keep Gov. Bill Richardson away from my kids.

Gov. Bill Richardson stopped by Monday to tell us he opposes private-school vouchers because "They'd undermine the public schools, everyone would go to the, uh ..." (sentence never finished.)

Richardson, who I must say appeared a bit jet-lagged, also noted, "All-day kindergarten is important; preschool is important, you've got to get the kids before they're 4."

Someone I will NOT vote for.

- The Truth About Homeschoolers
Why do people feel the need to bash homeschooling. I respect wrekehavoc's right to send her children to public school, why doesn't she respect my right to homeschool? Her post home(school) is anywhere you hang your head is full of BS. First she...

- Schneider: Lack Of Oversight For Home-schooled Alarms Educator
Sharon Ganssley of the Shiawassee Regional Education Service District, which covers Perry Middle School, said that as far as she knows her district has never pursued charges against a home-schooler. That, despite the fact that they sometimes see kids...

- Kestrel9000 Attacks Homeschooling At Daily Kos
First off I am going to take umbrage at the title of the post, Revisionist History: The Christian Right and the Miseducation Of Our Children. Shining Celebi and Lord Epa are mine and The Big Kahuna's kids they do not belong to anyone else. The idea...

- Uniformed Enslaved Public Schools Stiffle Individuality
I prefer it. I've grown more as a person in public school than I ever would have in private school. People say that private schools help, because uniforms cut down on catty differences over clothing, but that doesn't really apply to me. I want...

- Educational News
Click here to see the dropout ranking in Northeast Mississippi. ********************************************************************************* Champion of School Choice Milton Friedman In the last 10 years of his 94-year life, Friedman and his wife,...

