Leo, the Dandy Lion and Other Weekend Sights

Leo, the Dandy Lion and Other Weekend Sights

The sun came back out this weekend.
Temperatures have remained above average all winter.
It's been a weird one, I think you will all agree!

We were all happy to spend some time out of doors.
Even though there is nothing growing in our front pasture,
the horses were happy to get out and wander about....
finding the piles of hay we had placed out there for them.

The pigs strolled up to their grazing yard...
Ginger with the turkeys...

 while MaryAnn took a circuitous route through the woods with Sam.

The obligatory search for eggs....

Even the chickens could not wait to get out to free range...
something they prefer to skip when snow is on the ground.

Stand back...
it's a chicken stampede!

I snapped this picture while cleaning the dry lot.
Leo loves Sam and follows him around the barnyard.

Speaking of Leo...don't you love how furry he has become?
This picture reminds me of a first grader
who has lost his bottom baby teeth....

Most of our snow has finally melted,
leaving the ground very soggy and muddy.

The driveway to the farmhouse is always the last to thaw,
as it is on the north side of the farm, and shaded most of the time.

After finishing chores, farm breakfast, and packaging this week's market eggs,
we took our usual Sunday hike with the dogs.
Walking through our hay field, I spied this bit of color on the ground...

Never before have I seen a dandelion blooming here in January!

I think it is a very early harbinger of Spring...
the promise of what is to come...

And then I remembered that with Spring comes weeds...
and weeding.
So, for now I will enjoy the rest that winter gives us!
Spring will come in its own sweet time.

On our return trip from the barn to the farmhouse...

I lost my seat.

Apparently Sam was tired from his walk.
Silly Sam!

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