A Thought For Today

A Thought For Today

Today I thought I would share with you what I have learned from the oldest
member of our family....


At 17, this old gal is almost totally blind and deaf.
She is old and crusty on the outside.

But inside....she is still a puppy,
so full of life and love and joy.
(She lives for tasty morsels!)

She has taught me that what we see on the outside
has nothing to do with what is on the inside.

And although a person (or critter) might appear disheveled or unkempt,
inside there is a soul, like all of ours, who needs love,
and has love to give.

She reminds me that as our bodies age and change,
our souls, our spirits remain the same.
We may be 60 or 70 or 80 or 90 on the outside,
but inside we are the same as when we were young.

So, although I know that I am preaching to the choir....
I can tell what kind souls you all are by the beautiful comments you leave for me....
it never helps for any of us to have a reminder.
Our time on this earth is way too short;
and time passes too quickly.

Love and kindness are our most important legacies.
What we leave behind is the love that we have given.

Give it freely!
Give it generously.

We know that our days with Hickory are numbered,
and so we will take every opportunity to let her know that she is cherished.


Today is a big day for Moll Flanders.
Our new adopted stray is having surgery today...

Moll is being spayed by Dr. Becky....
our contribution to help stop the proliferation of unwanted cats.

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