Mancat Monday ~ Socks

Mancat Monday ~ Socks

Dreaming of my sweet MoMo.  

The beans have been busy in the vegetable garden this week. Saturday they planted watermelons, honeydew, cantaloupe,  turnips, carrots, and broccoli.  Since it was windy and raining off and on I spent the day inside napping.

 Daddy made a thing to plant the tomatoes upside down this year. We got some ideas from Ayla & Iza's The Big Thing. Mommy hasn't gotten pictures yet because it has been overcast and sprinkling ever since Daddy got them finished and Mommy learnt the hard way not to let the camera lens get wet. Daddy is also working on a compost pile. I has to apologize to Fenris' Fans as their will be fewer pictures of him now. Mommy can only take pictures with the zoom out as when she zooms in there is a cloudy spot in the middle of the picture. Because Fenris is so big and so fast it is hard for Mommy to take pictures of him with the camera zoomed out. She has enough trouble with us cats. We all has to be STILL to get our pictures made.

Scylla is still in the ring at Kitty Fight Club Round 5 – Scylla vs Cookie and would appreciate your vote.

- Mancat Monday ~ Thank You Tbt, Marley, Ayla & Iza
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