Mancat Monday ~ Thank you TBT, Marley, Ayla & Iza

Mancat Monday ~ Thank you TBT, Marley, Ayla & Iza

Remember when I was bemoaning the fact that I am unable to take pictures of the Mom. Well the clever kitties over at Mark's Mews with the help of TBT came up with a way I could take pictures. It is this three legged contraption that holds the camera, all I has to do is put my paw on the button and CLICK the picture is made. I managed to snag one of Mommy when she came in range.  Mommy says the thing is called a tripod. I just needs to figure out a way to move the thing around without human assistance, maybe Fenris could be of some use. Although now Mommy seems to be getting ideas ...................I expect to hear her saying LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION any day now as she seems to think she is some sort of movie director or something. I even heard her talking about maybe being able to capture a Hummingbird movie with the tripod..............................

Anyway while I am scheming about how to get more pictures of the peeps I wants to thank Ayla, Iza, Marley and TBT for the tripod. We all really likes it. Well Scylla is kinda scared of it to be honest. Mommy did a photo shoot of her with it for Scylla Sunday, and she meows it was rather shocking to have a 3 legged camera pursuing you even if a Mommy was behind it. ~Socks

- Wildlife & Wildflowers
 The Candlebush attracts lots of wildlife.  There are a lot of wildflowers growing in our pond.  Daddy left this mound of dirt when he built the Hummingbird Cottage, he was going to move it but before he could these purrty wildflowers...

- Tomorrow Is Ayla's Birthday
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- Bad News
Some of you know that Mommy's camera (Canon Powershot A710 IS) got wet and we thoughts it was deaded. Who knew a camera with an underwater setting was so allergic to water. But a splash of water got on the lens and for the longest time the camera...

- Alasandra's Purrfurmance Review
Quantity of Output ~ High, we has a post most every day so we guesses we can't complain. Quality of Output ~ we are divided here. Socks & Scylla give Mommy a Medium. We thinks there are way to many pictures of Fenris on our blog, but...

- Photography
One thing you will notice about this blog is the fact that it is heavily loaded with photographs.I love taking pictures.And slowly, very slowly, over the years of "taking pictures",I am learning a little about photography.Not as much as I want to...

