Bad News

Bad News

Some of you know that Mommy's camera (Canon Powershot A710 IS) got wet and we thoughts it was deaded. Who knew a camera with an underwater setting was so allergic to water. But a splash of water got on the lens and for the longest time the camera couldn't see anything. Well Daddy saved the day by taking the battery out and hanging it up to dry but now when Mommy takes pictures with it there is a big spot in some of the pictures. It doesn't do it all the time, and sometimes it is worse then others. Sometimes Mommy can crop the spot out of the pictures but other times the spot is on the subject and totally ruins the picture. So you will probably start seeing fewer pictures of us or pictures of poorer quality starting about mid April. A new camera isn't in our budget so Mommy is going to just try to learn how to make decent pictures with this one. Besides which she has just figured out how to work this one and it is the purrfect size. Mommy hates those little bitty cameras some people have. She says they are too little for her big hands. Not to mention as blind as she is she needs something big enough for her to see.

On a brighter note Daddy got Mommy this garden wagon so she can haul her heavy pots around. She really LOVES IT!

- Mancat Monday
I am helping Mommy water the plants. Thankfully on the days that it rains we don't have to water the plants, except for the one that keeps blowing over. I really wish it would learn to stay upright, it is delaying my supper. ~Socks, reporting for...

- Mancat Monday
 I am preparing to go out into the wilds with my camera and take photographs.  Really Mom, do you have any idea how heavy this camera is? I got some good pictures which you can view here. Stupid Mommy didn't realize the battery in the camera...

- Mancat Monday ~ Thank You Tbt, Marley, Ayla & Iza
Remember when I was bemoaning the fact that I am unable to take pictures of the Mom. Well the clever kitties over at Mark's Mews with the help of TBT came up with a way I could take pictures. It is this three legged contraption that holds the camera,...

- Man~cat Monday By Socks
This is my first Man Cat Monday, so I am not sure what I am suppose to do. I don't like having my picture taken, but sneaky Mommy was able to grab some shots with her zoom lens. Here I am off on a hunting trip. I'll probably snag a few crawfish....

- Snack Time From Below
It's a good thing that our animals don't understand cameras,or pictures,or what we do with those pictures. I am pretty sure that if they knew their silly faces were being shown over the internet,they might have a thing or two to say on the subject....

