Mancat Monday ~Being a Big Brother by Socks

Mancat Monday ~Being a Big Brother by Socks

A big brother has to teach his sisters how to hunt. Here I am taking Scylla hunting.

A big brother also has to keep his sisters out of trouble, if he can. If you biggify the picture you can see me trailing behind Scylla to hopefully keep her out of trouble. She is very bossy, so it's a very hard job. She even throws Daddy out of Daddy's chair!

So far my biggest job has been keeping the little monsters from tearing up the garden. They think it is great fun to play hide and seek in the corn. Unfortunately it smashes the corn.

Our squash is nice and big, we picked some yesterday.

- Trouble & Me (not Scylla Sunday)
Yang's nickname is TROUBLE, he has another one too but Mommy says we can't print it in a family friendly blog. Daddy calls him you Little S*** and  S***head, together we are known as the Booties or Booty1 & Booty2. How did Trouble get...

- Meowing Monday With Artemisia
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- Mancat Monday ~socks
The lovely MoMo teleported over for a visit this weekend. Here I am waiting for her to arrive in the Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden. This gander and goose are visiting our pond. The goose has a nest on the island and we are hoping she will...

- Socks Was Tagged For A Meme
Here are the rules: You have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to Petspix. Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal. What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew...

- Garden Views
I am so happy I could just dance! "Why?"  you ask. Because gardening in my raised boxes is such a joy.... and the boxes are growing like gangbusters!This box is loaded with sugar peas and a couple of cabbages in the front. The sugar peas are just...

