Mancat Monday ~Socks

Mancat Monday ~Socks

LC, Ayla & Iza gave us this PAWSOME Award!

“LOVE YA” award-winner… These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

Picking just eight bloggers is very hard cause we know lots of bloggers that deserve it. Since there are four of us, Mommy said we could each pick two so here are our eight.
  1. MoMo
  2. The Ozark Mountain Cats - some very handsome mancats blog there. (I bet you'll never guess which two kitties picked them? Yep, that's right my sisters, they have crushes on those mancats.)
  3. JFF
  4. Asta
  5. Niko & Cloud
  6. Parker
  7. Opus - a very debonair mancat (Yep, it's my sissies turn again).
  8. River
I don't have much to say. I have been spending lots of time outdoors away from the puppy, but I still come in to sit in my favorite chair or sleep in eldest boy beans bed. Life is good and there is always enough love for one more bundle of fur, even if it is a dog. I am sure we will be friends once he gets out of the excitable puppy stage.


- Thanks Speedy
We were given the Team member leadership award by Speedy the cheeky house bunny so with this award I have to thank and link back to those that gave it to me,and then give it to 14 other bloggers. Speedy, thanks you very much, we really appreciates you...

- We Are Feeling Awesome!
We just might have to give Mommy higher marks on her Purr-fur-mance Review. Chancy and Company  & Nellie @ The Cat From Hell gave us the Awesome Blog Award.  We are supposed to tell 7 things about us, Then pass it on. And Mommy was absolutely...

- Stylish Blogger Award
Our friends the Garden Cottage Cats ( Arrius Lestat aka Larry , Gabriel Wolfgang , Sunny, Lorelei Avalon , Anushka aka Ana, and Penelope) gave us this lovely award. If you haven't visited them at Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats you really should....

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
JFF, gave us this pawsome award Thank Cat or I wouldn't have a Mancat Monday Post. The Mom has been slacking lately. She seems to think planting flowers is more important then helping us blog!  And if her gardening activities aren't bad...

- Update 2008 Brillante Weblog Award
We are so honored Shadow & Molly gave us this award. The rules for the Brillante Weblog Award are as follows: The award may be displayed on a winner’s blog. Add a link to the person who you received the award from. (Thank you Shadow & Molly)....

