Mancat Monday ~Tuckered Out

Mancat Monday ~Tuckered Out

I am plumb tuckered out with all the chores we has to do. I don't care what the stupid human calendar says the yard says it is March. We has lots of flowers blooming now that usually wait till then. It is purrty and sunny out and usually in the 70s, not typical January weather at all. Usually it is overcast rainy and cold in January.  Not that I am complaining mind you as I prefer sunny and cool to overcast and cold although I does wonder how the plants feel about the lack of water. But it does mean we has lots of weeding to do as well as the housework. Poor Mom is tuckered out to so after she gets through with the laundry, I am getting a head start, we is going to take a rest. ~Socks

- Meowy Monday With Scylla
We don't have Fall Foliage like our friends in the Northeast do but our Popcorn Tree is pretty colorful. Besides having pretty flowers the Candy Corn Cuphea has interesting leaves, unfortunately we had a heavy frost that killed it all. It usually...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Hiya everybuddy, I agreed to let Mommy takes lots of pictures today. It was so nice to see the sunshines after the rainy weather we had. I do not like rain and I thinks cold fronts should stay far far away from Mississippi. I do not approve of having...

- Mancat Monday
 How embarrassing I was so tuckered out I almost slept through Mancat Monday. If you don't mind I think I'll just finish my catnap. Mommy says I looks cute when I am asleep and that you should check out my feets. ~Socks ...

- Tattle Tail Tuesday By Socks
Scylla is bored inside. She wants someone to play with, but she will not go outside because it is COLD. I don't mind the cold as long as it is sunny. She is asking me to come in and play with her, but I have lots to do. I have to patrol our yard...

- Weekend Update
Hello!!!  Happy Monday to you!I am so happy to be able to say that Spring is here to stay! We enjoyed a lovely Spring weekend here on the farm.The weather changed every hour or so... from warm and sunnyto windy to rainy and back to sunny again....

