Weekend Update

Weekend Update

Hello!!!  Happy Monday to you!
I am so happy to be able to say that Spring is here to stay!

We enjoyed a lovely Spring weekend here on the farm.
The weather changed every hour or so... from warm and sunny
to windy to rainy and back to sunny again.

I cannot complain... it was actually a perfect mix.
I transplanted the pumpkins, cabbage, and corn that were growing in the greenhouse...
moving them to their new home in the newly constructed pumpkin patch.

The weather was perfect for their first couple of days outside...

not too sunny, enough rain to adequately water the plants, and not too cold.
I think this little pumpkin patch is going to be a great addition.

The weekend gave me an opportunity to do a lot of gardening in the main garden.

I pulled weeds, while Hubbs spread new mulch around.

I planted more seeds.

Garden boxes are filling up with young plants...

eagerly growing each day until that magical day when edible produce appears!

The strawberry plants are green and healthy...
having survived an unbelievably cold winter.

And in the middle of this particular strawberry box we found
a soft downy nest

 filled with...

baby bunnies, I think.
Sadly, Sammy had stolen one of the buns and was playing with it.
I heard a shrill shrieking sound as I was gardening and went over to find a crying baby bunny.
Luckily it was unhurt...just scared...and Hubbs returned it to the nest with gloved hand.

Amazingly, the barn cats have not found this nest.
Now, I know that a bunny nest is not exactly what I want in the middle of my garden...
but, they are so precious, I had to just leave them alone.
Hopefully they will relocate when they are older.
By that time, I will be spending much of my time in the garden,
making it a less attractive home for bunnies!

Look what I picked up on Friday...
4 new colonies of bees.

They are safely installed in their beehives,
and I am keeping my fingers crossed that these hives grow and become strong.

I thought you might like to see our chicklets.
They are officially teenagers now...
all gangly and awkward and getting so very independent!

As soon as the weather is a bit warmer,
these teenagers will start to go outside in their enclosed yard during the daytime.

Meet Svetlana...one of the naked neck Turkens.
Isn't she lovely??

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