Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 The Mighty Hunter Socks is on the prowl. In near silence he stalks his prey.

Preparing to feast on ........................................................Y/D catfood.  I was stalking Mommy. I likes to sneak up on her when she calls me in for supper. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla And Yang The Movie
Socks said I could do Mancat Monday today so I thought I would show you a video of me and Scylla playing. Some of you know Socks had his teeth cleaned. He did well. He had a small bump on his head but that was just a fluid filled cyst thank Cod. He...

- Mancat Monday - Where Is The Cat?
 I am practicing my Ninja moves. I am certain that Mommy can't find me. Yes, I know it's a shame my friends won't get to see me on Mancat Monday but that is what happens when you are invisible. ~Socks reporting for ATCAD ...

- Scylla Sunday
 Look what I got. This is all mine, because Socks can only have y/d food. I got a nice placemat. Mommy did you tell them I am a messy eater?   Dry catfood, canned catfood and TREATS. I just love the treats.  I got a nice metal bowl...

- Mister Who Update
He got a good report from the veterinarian.  Where the pins are isn't draining much (that is GOOD), so his bandage only has to be changed once a week. Mommy will take him back next Monday so they can change it again and they will probably take...

- Mancat Monday
Mexican Petunias in bloom they likes it when we get a lot of rain. They like wet feet. Ginger Lilies, they smell divine. The Rosemary is thriving, don't know if you can tell but it has little blue blooms on it. And what you have been waiting for ME,...

