Yang is very sick

Yang is very sick

Little Yang is very sick. Yesterday afternoon when Mommy got them out for some play time Yang was very lethargic, he couldn't even hold his head up. He was rushed to the vet and it was discovered he has Coccidiosis (there may be more issues but this seems to be the problem). but he was so very sick he couldn't swallow or regulate his temperature which kept dropping. He also wound up with diarrhea,  so Mommy took him to the ER Vet to spend the night.

He will be there until this afternoon. They are giving him fluids and medicines through a cather. We are so relived he made it through the night, he was very critical. He rallied this morning and started standing up and walking around in the cage he is in and he has even started eating again. Because he still has diarrhea, they felt it best to keep him on fluids for awhile.

We will not be doing other post for awhile as Mommy has to concentrate on helping Yin and Yang survive. We do have some already scheduled so we hope you will enjoy them and we will try to keep you posted on how the Yoga Kittens are doing. Paws crossed so far Yin seems fine. ~ATCAD 

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