Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

I am surveying my kingdom from my throne.

And now I am soaking up the warmth of the rocks, they get nice and toasty in the sunshines.

~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla And Yang The Movie
Socks said I could do Mancat Monday today so I thought I would show you a video of me and Scylla playing. Some of you know Socks had his teeth cleaned. He did well. He had a small bump on his head but that was just a fluid filled cyst thank Cod. He...

- Prince Socks Enjoys Christmas Eve
We have had nice balmy weather here. It is very nice for sitting outside in the sunshines. And it's very peaceful in the Hummingbird Cottage without Yin and Yang.  ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD ...

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks' Catastrophes
Morning everyone, Don't worry,  I am just chilling out until CATastrophes comes on (the new episode will be out 10AM CST). I am not having a CATastrophe of my own. The sun makes the rocks nice and warm, even if it is November. The wind is kinda...

- Mancat Monday - Where Is The Cat?
 I am practicing my Ninja moves. I am certain that Mommy can't find me. Yes, I know it's a shame my friends won't get to see me on Mancat Monday but that is what happens when you are invisible. ~Socks reporting for ATCAD ...

- Mancat Monday
I likes to watch Fenris when I am outside. He is very energetic. Mommy put him in the house so I could go for a stroll. I likes the porch. I likes Mommy sitting on the porch. She has to sit on the cement cause they don't have any furniture yet. Daddy...

