Prince Socks Enjoys Christmas Eve

Prince Socks Enjoys Christmas Eve

We have had nice balmy weather here. It is very nice for sitting outside in the sunshines.

And it's very peaceful in the Hummingbird Cottage without Yin and Yang.  ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

- Mancat Monday
Yang's tail is firmly wrapped around the toy to prevent it from getting away.  Do any of you use your tails to subdue toys/siblings? Socks is napping with Chimera. We all take turns kitten sitting her. Although we thinks Socks is sleeping on...

- Mancat Monday
 Guess who is in the Hummingbird Cottage, yep the Yoga Kittens. I had to come keep an eye on them cause Mommy isn't very good at watching kittens. I mean she is the one who exhibited the poor judgement and brought them out here where all sorts...

- Mancat Monday
We had some really hot weather, why it felt like SUMMER, now it is back to normal temperatures for this time of year but having gotten use to the warm it sure is hard to go back to the cold. The yard is looking nice the grass is turning green and growing...

- Mancat Monday
 Well Thursday was REALLY nice. Me and Mom spent time outside gardening, she got all the flowerbeds around the Hummingbird Cottage weeded, fertilized and ant poison put out.  We had a lovely day. She even had time to sit in the chair and pet...

- Silly Saturday By Artemisia
 Me and Scylla are playing chase. The cooler Fall weather has us feeling frisky.  I am stalking a bug.  Now it is time for a nice wiggle on the rocks. They are nice and warm from the sun.  Guess I'll get a drink of water before...

