Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 Our planters are having a tough time in the heat.

 I liked this a lot better when it was a fountain with flowing water. The pump broke so Mommy stuck flowers in the top (Asparagus fern) and  bottom (periwinkles). I still like to drink out of it.

 For some reason Mommy really likes my stocking leg. I don't as it makes it harder for me to hide. Mommy finds me in the evening cause of my white furs.

The Lemon Zest Lantana is blooming nicely. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

- Thursday In The Garden
 All these plants are outside now, it would be way to hot in the Greenhouse for them but they overwintered in the Greenhouse nicely. We thoughts we would tell you how they did and how we cared for them.  The Ruby Leaf got really tall and straggly,...

- In The Greenhouse
The flowers in the Greenhouse think it is Spring, so we captured a few blooms to share with our friends. The Lantana, is a pretty yellow color, we thinks it is called Lemon Zest.  It is really hot in the Greenhouse so some of the leaves are wilted....

- Fenris Friday
 Remember last week I told you about the neat prizes Scylla won from Zee & Zoey, well this is another one of the prizes, and Scylla graciously shared this prize with ME!!!!!  It is a designer ceramic water fountain from Thirsty Cat Fountains,...

- Mancat Monday
 For a senior mancat I am extremely limber Mommy says, yeah whatever. Mommy also says I has to wake up and show you around the garden.. Are you ready. (Stretch)  This is one of Mommy's new hanging basket she got after the one Grandpa made...

- Fenris & Feline Friday
I loves to play with the Alien Orange Thing. Sometimes I has to talk to the Alien Orange Thing. I likes to explore when Mommy takes me for a walk. Socks likes to lay around. He blends in with the yard  very well. And he likes to drink out of his...

