Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

 All these plants are outside now, it would be way to hot in the Greenhouse for them but they overwintered in the Greenhouse nicely. We thoughts we would tell you how they did and how we cared for them.  The Ruby Leaf got really tall and straggly, Mommy trimmed the branches off  and used them for a flower arrangement. Best of all the little white flowers do great in dried arrangements. And although the leafs fall off the red stems provide a nice punch of color in dried arrangements.

 Lemon Slice Superbells, they have been blooming up a storm.

 The Royal Purple Queen, it bloomed profusely in the Greenhouse but started looking sickly right before we got it out. We thinks it got to hot and humid for it in the greenhouse. Mommy sprayed it down with a fungicide, gave it some fertilizer and we put it outside and it perked right up.

Floral Lace Picotee Dianthus

 Lemon Zest Lantana. Mommy trimmed it back and it came back nicely and is blooming beautifully.

We forgots to mention Mommy trimmed some of the Royal Purple Queens branches and she managed to root ONE.  ~ATCAD

- Blooms (thursday In The Garden)
Our wonderful friend Cheri, from Cats of Wildcat Woods sent us this lovely card and Cherokee Bark Basket awhile back. Mommy used some dried flowers we had to make an arrangement in it. It looks lovely on Mommy's  computer desk although sometimes...

- Memories Of Fall (flashback)
 The Confederate Roses had lots of buds and would have been really pretty but only a few of the buds managed to bloom before the frost came and killed them. Maybe they will have a chance to bloom this year.  This rose blooms all year, it's...

- Mancat Monday
 Our planters are having a tough time in the heat.  I liked this a lot better when it was a fountain with flowing water. The pump broke so Mommy stuck flowers in the top (Asparagus fern) and  bottom (periwinkles). I still like to drink...

- Scylla Sunday
 Purple is my favorite color so I thoughts I would share the Purple Devil's Trumpet with you. It is safe in the garage now we had a frost a few nights ago. Daddy hasn't put the Greenhouse back together yet. Once he does me and Mommy will...

- Thursday In The Garden
 This is one of our Kalanchoes, we has a yellow one too, but it is not blooming.  Mommy was pleasantly suprised at how well this one has done.   A little wildflower that is living in a pot in the greenhouse. Mommy loves how delicate...

