Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

I am just listening to bird radio, they sing the most glorious songs. ~Socks reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla And Yang The Movie
Socks said I could do Mancat Monday today so I thought I would show you a video of me and Scylla playing. Some of you know Socks had his teeth cleaned. He did well. He had a small bump on his head but that was just a fluid filled cyst thank Cod. He...

- Tabby Tuesday
Mancat Monday got co-opted by the Highland Games so Tuiren said I could post today. I am just taking things easy and waiting for it to warm up outside. I don't like the cold weather. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD ...

- Mancat Monday - Where Is The Cat?
 I am practicing my Ninja moves. I am certain that Mommy can't find me. Yes, I know it's a shame my friends won't get to see me on Mancat Monday but that is what happens when you are invisible. ~Socks reporting for ATCAD ...

- Mister Who Update
He got a good report from the veterinarian.  Where the pins are isn't draining much (that is GOOD), so his bandage only has to be changed once a week. Mommy will take him back next Monday so they can change it again and they will probably take...

- Am I Dreaming?
I think I may be in the middle of a very long and involved dream.And if this is a dream, I don't want to wake up! In this dream it is March 22nd and it is sunny and 75 degrees out.Bird songs fill the air.The grass is green.The deciduous trees are...

