Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 Scylla and I likes the royal purple sheets Mommy got for us. We thinks they are purrfect for us royal cats.

 They are very cool and comfy to snooze on.

Does anyone want to join us for a kitty pile?

- Thursday In The Garden
 All these plants are outside now, it would be way to hot in the Greenhouse for them but they overwintered in the Greenhouse nicely. We thoughts we would tell you how they did and how we cared for them.  The Ruby Leaf got really tall and straggly,...

- Sibling Saturday
Scylla likes to sleep on Youngest Boy Bean's desk.  I prefer to snooze in the Hummingbird Cottage during the day.  And outside the Scylla Palace at night. The  Kitty Speed Bump from Catpods is  a purrfect foot rest. Scylla won...

- Scylla Sunday
Just taking it easy. I likes to nap on the filing cabinet, Socks likes napping up here too. Mommy's desk is another good place for a snooze. Her pen holder makes a purrfect pillow if you whap it over. ~Scylla (Shh don't wake Scylla up as she...

- Tsarina Tuesday
I believe in starting the day with a good breakfast. I also believe in cleaning your plate, Socks left some food in his bowl, I'll just finish it off for him. Socks, what should we do today? Socks said I should show you around the garden so here...

- Beautiful Blogger Award
Ayla & Iza gave us the beautiful award, look it even has butterflies on it. According to the rules, we are supposed to tell you seven new things about ourselfs.  An ya gotta link ta the kitty (that was Ayla & Iza) what awarded it ta ya and...

