Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 Remember I entered Mango Minster 2012 as a working stiff. Here I am nursing Youngest Boy Bean back to health after his knee surgery.

 CIA Agent Arty Mouse is investigating all the packages that were put under the tree for ChrisMouse,

 as well as the Get Well presents. She just loved the box Youngest BB's ice pack came in. It was purrfect for her to crawl in.

 I was busy purring to make him feel better.

 But I did take a short break to play chase with Arty Mouse.

Blast it where did the Mouse go she was right here in front of me? ~Socks

- Once Upon A Time...
We are taking part in the Once Upon a Time Blog Hop hosted by Lady Shasta and Lord Shiloh. We have our paws crossed that one day our fairy tale will come true. Once Upon a Time.............there was a lovely Tsarina named Artemisia, nicknamed Arty Mouse....

- Scylla Sunday
 I am spending the day outside with Mommy and Arty Mouse. Arty is playing hide-n-seek and chase with me.  Arty can run very fast, it is hard to catch her.  She is also very good at hiding. Now where did she go?  She isn't hiding...

- Our Mom Is A Flake................ By Afss
First there is the fact she mispronounces words horribly the guy peeps always pick on her about that. Then there is the fact she is very clumsy. Honestly she is always tripping over her own two feet, OK we may have a little to do with that problem as...

- Scylla Sunday
I just love this blue mouse, it makes mouse sounds and everything but I am getting ahead of myself Mommy says I should start the story at the beginning not in the middle. So..................Way back on May 5th we went to KC's 4th Cinco de Mayo Party...

- Our Names
Reilly is having a contest. All you has to do is tell about your names. My name is Fenris Wolf and it comes from Norse Mythology. My youngest boy bean gave me my name. Mommy was going to name me Marrock after a character in a book she was reading. My...

