Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 We were stuck inside while beaver guy trapped the beavers. I was reduced to playing with toy mice. Thankfully we won some pawsome ones at KC's Cinco de Mayo Party. Thanks KC & the Sherwood Bunch.

I may be a senior mancat but I still has my ninja moves. Artemisia will show you the rest of the price package tomorrow. Beaver guy caught two adult beavers and we are allowed back outside now, so I'll catch you later. I wants to enjoy the great outdoors before it gets too hot. ~Socks

- Mancat Monday - Where Is The Cat?
 I am practicing my Ninja moves. I am certain that Mommy can't find me. Yes, I know it's a shame my friends won't get to see me on Mancat Monday but that is what happens when you are invisible. ~Socks reporting for ATCAD ...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I won this pawsome prize at KC's Cinco de Mayo Party. I just love the cute bowls. Mommy says we can use them for special occassions like our purrdays, gotcha days and when we needs a pick me up cause we don't feel good. She said that sometimes...

- Mancat Monday
Arty says I has to answer these questions before I can eat. Do you think you’re hot? Er, no I am an elderly mancat I thinks I am cuddly and sweet. And I has enough brains not to run around like Artemisia when it is hot out and I knows to sit in the...

- Scylla Sunday
I just love this blue mouse, it makes mouse sounds and everything but I am getting ahead of myself Mommy says I should start the story at the beginning not in the middle. So..................Way back on May 5th we went to KC's 4th Cinco de Mayo Party...

- Thursday In The Garden ~ Cinco De Mayo
I am all dressed up and ready to go to the Cinco de Mayo celebration The Sherwood Bunch are hosting, but first I thought I would show you around our garden. Doesn't the grass look pretty it has little flowers. Did you know that grass blooms? The roses...

