Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

 I won this pawsome prize at KC's Cinco de Mayo Party. I just love the cute bowls. Mommy says we can use them for special occassions like our purrdays, gotcha days and when we needs a pick me up cause we don't feel good. She said that sometimes eating off pretty bowls makes your food taste better.

 I was so excited when the box arrived. I couldn't wait for Mommy to open it so I could see what was in it.

 Wow, that white mouse is almost as big as me. Let's see what else is in the box.

 Another pretty white mouse..........

 and a cute little blue one, this one squeaks.

 Makes it wiggle again Mom.

 I got it now.

 It can't escape my paws.

 Mom, it's not moving.

 Put that camera down and makes the mouse move. Honestly good help is so hard to find. You would think moving a simple toy and playing with me wouldn't' strain her abilities.

 We got treats to, we had never tried this flavor. They are delicious we have already wiped out one bag.

 Our mice.

 Now I will pose for my glamor shot.

 OK, back to playing.

Thanks KC & The Sherwood Bunch

- Scylla Sunday ~ Toy Review
Just look at the pawesome cat toys the  nice people at The Natural Pet Company asked us to review. I LOVE them all. The balls are neat. They makes a nice tinkling sound when you bat them around. Mommy was a little worried about the purrty ribbons,...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 The Mom finally got a picture of me in the Butterfly Chair. She has been wanting to do this forever and I finally obliged her. I don't know what the big deal is.  Of course I look pretty sitting up here, I always look pretty.  I likes...

- Scylla Sunday
 I am spending the day outside with Mommy and Arty Mouse. Arty is playing hide-n-seek and chase with me.  Arty can run very fast, it is hard to catch her.  She is also very good at hiding. Now where did she go?  She isn't hiding...

- Fenris Friday
 Mommy says this is a Glamor Shot of me and Arty Mouse, whatever that is. For once Arty stayed put when Mommy grabbed the flashy beast.  Here we are in black and white.  As you can tell Mommy really liked this pose. Somebody moved before...

- Mancat Monday
 Way back in June we went to Chica's birthday party and we played games. Some of the games involved questions and iffn you got the right answer you gotted a prize. You can read all about it here, but we guessed Chica's coat color and won...

