Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

Sometimes a mancat just wants to find a cave and take a nap.

And sometimes to keep from being disturbed by flashy things and sisters he has to find a bear to guard his cave. Mr. Bear is a very good guard bear.

The beans put the hummingbird feeders up higher so hopefully Scylla can no longer reach them. Daddy bean has to stand on a ladder to put them up. Mommy got our Halloween stuff out, cooked a Persimmon Cake and did some major house cleaning so they are TIRED. Which means I will probably get some quality lap time. ~Socks

- Socks Update
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- History Is Elementary: Dixie Roots: Another View Of Theodore Roosevelt
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- Hummers And Bears, Oh My!
They're back!After an arduous flight across the Caribbean,our sweet little friends, the ruby throated hummingbirdshave arrived at Bee Haven least the males have arrived.The females should be returning soon. I have re-hung all of our hummingbird...

- It's Bear Season
This week marked the beginning of black bear hunting season. No, the bears are not hunting. I tried to explain this to Becky's horses, but they were not convinced. They were sure that they had seen a bear....and if this is the first day of bear season,...

- Unwanted Visitors
I did not take this picture, but, I could have... if I had only had my camera. This is what greeted us as we pulled up to the farmhouse the other evening. A fellow just like this was standing at one of our bird feeders. We had previously found evidence...

