Mancat Monday with Yang (Special Guest Chimera) & Socks

Mancat Monday with Yang (Special Guest Chimera) & Socks

I like to hang out with Scylla even though she is a Grouchy Girl sometimes.

Scylla is a grouch.
She makes me say Ouch
Especially on the couch.
with her pouch.

When she gets Grouchy I get on the floor. Scylla is a hissy, sissy.

But I prefer to sleep next to her.

Mommy says I was naughty I ran Socks out of the Hanging Mouse Inn.

I also killed the Mouse, so now we are just gonna have to call it the Cat House.

I tried to run Yin out of her bed, but that didn't work out so well.

She let me have the bed but she ate MY SUPPER.

I am not suppose to be up here I keep breaking stuff.

Mommy finally moved it all.

I miss having Mommy to snuggle with.

It made me feel better to snuggle with her after I got neutered.

I got my cone off before Yin, because I got acne on my chin.

I love having trees in the house, I am sad they took my tree away.

But they brought me a little sister.

She sure is LITTLE.

Mommy says I has to be nice to her.

I am trying my best to be a good big brother. ~Yang, reporting for ATCAD

 I have to say the lad is coming along and learning to be a tolerably good big brother. He still gets a little rough sometimes. I am watching over Chi Chi now, you can't see her cause she burrowed down in the blanket. We are enjoying some quality time with Dad before he goes to sleep. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

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