Scylla Sunday ~ Toy Review

Scylla Sunday ~ Toy Review

Just look at the pawesome cat toys the  nice people at The Natural Pet Company asked us to review. I LOVE them all.

The balls are neat. They makes a nice tinkling sound when you bat them around. Mommy was a little worried about the purrty ribbons, but they are sewn on good and Mommy thinks they are safe for us to play with.

The feather butt mouse on a string was a great favorite. Me and Socks love anything with feathers. This was probably our favorite, but they were all great so it was hard to decide.I grabbed it real good,

and gave it a few bunny kicks for good measure.

The rattle mouse is fun to play with too.  Mommy didn't get a picture of me playing with him. I was batting him around to fast for her.

I couldn't decide which toy to play with they were all so FUN!

I tried to play with the balls and feather mouse at the same time. Mommy says I am a toy hog like Fenris.

I got Mommy to hang the feather mouse up on my town house so I can whap him whenever I wants. This is my honest opinion and I swears I was not under the influence of nip much, the only compensation I got was the products (toys and nip) to review. If you missed Socks review of the nip go here.

Scylla reporting for ATCAD

PS: Today is the Autumn equinox and we are having a party to celebrate at The Ladies of Autumn. 

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