Me and My Shadow...

Me and My Shadow...

Most of my time this week has been spent in landscaping projects.
With the gazebo project completed, I moved on to weeding
and replanting last year's rock garden.
I have added a few more perennials to that and will finish mulching today.
(I'll snap a photo when it is complete.)

Sammy has been my shadow these days...

Now that Annie and Oakley are off having adventures,
Sammy does not let me out of his sight...
not to mention the fact that he would rather hitch a ride in the gator than run with the others.

My "down" time was spent sitting in the cool grass in a shady spot in the goat pen.

You might remember how rag-tag this group was a couple of months ago.

Now, having shed all of their winter coat, they are all sleek and quite lovely.
Here's dreadlock-free Andy...scratching "that spot" with his horn.

Here are some of the girls...acting quite innocent.
Just moments before I shot this, they were attacking their house...
head-butting for unknown reasons...
just something to do on a hot summer afternoon.

Dear, sweet Dot.. a little wary of the camera....preferred the safety of her house.

And Fred, in his usual spot...beneath the hay feeder.
He likes to eat without expending much effort!

Poor Smoochie...his days are numbered, I fear.
Arthritis has left him quite crippled.
He does not seem to be suffering, but does not move around as much as he used to.

And still, after all these years, O'Malley remains the friendliest goat we have.
At this particular moment, she walked over to me for a little help.
A huge horsefly had landed on her back, and she was unable to get rid of it.
I think she knew I could help her out of that situation.

"Ahhhh, much better!"

And at the end of the day...
a toast to a productive day...
with my very best friend!

It's important to take the time to enjoy the spaces we create!!

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