The Camera Made Him Faint!

The Camera Made Him Faint!

You might remember a couple weeks ago when I posted a picture
of our shy Andy (the fainting goat) wearing a coat of
post-winter dread locks.

I am happy to report that Andy has shed out his winter coat and is looking quite handsome now.

Still shy, he got up in a hurry and took off running.

Within seconds, his legs stiffened...

he went down on his front knees...

and did a very uncoordinated face plant...

a fainting goat "faint" ... Andy-style.
Don't worry, he was only down for a matter of seconds
and quickly rose again to continue running.
There's just something about the camera that sends him running!

Dreadlocks are quite fashionable this Spring in the goat world of fashion.
It seems that everyone is trying the style.

Sissy (who is never camera shy...but strikes her best pose)...


Within weeks, everyone will trade in this look for a much sleeker one.
For now, though, they all look like a bunch of ragamuffins!

Remember the new pumpkin patch with the bunny gate?

Well...things are really growing in this little garden.

It won't be long until I have about 50 heads of cabbage...
(that's a lot of sauerkraut!)
I can hardly wait to see what types of pumpkins grow on those vines!

It seems I just never quite get done planting!
I have been filling empty spaces in my house gardens...

with terra-cotta pots filled with blossoms...

a way to puppy proof the flowers...

so little Annie Panties can't step on them and crush them!

Have any of you ever seen this perennial?

I don't remember it's name, but it is one of my favorites...
it comes back bigger and bigger each year.

Don't you just love purple flowers???

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