Super Sweet Islay Thinks We are Super Sweet Too!

Super Sweet Islay Thinks We are Super Sweet Too!

Super Sweet rules:

1. Thank a blogger for nominating you.
We are deeply honored that Islay from Charlie's Dog Blog thought of us. Thanks you so much Islay.

2. Include the award image on your blog.
Aren't the cupcakes purrty. We would just love to eat them all up.

3. Nominate and notify a baker's dozen sweet blogs for this award.

Ok, we will get to that a bit latter. We will be letting that bake for awhile so to speak. 

4. Answer 5 Super Sweet questions

Well we will try, we aren't very good at answering questions.

Cookies or Cake?
Can we have boths, is it salmon cake? what are the cookies made of? These things makes a difference. We will just say we are equally divided here. Half of us wants cookies and the other half wants cake.

What is your favorite sweet treat?
The doggies vote for Frozen Yogurt,  us cats are more discerning Scylla votes for Mango ice-cream and Socks votes for anything that isn't on his Hyper-T diet. According to Socks the humans are being most unreasonable expecting him to eat that y/d junk it isn't sweet at all.

When do you crave sweet things the most?

If you had a sweet name, what would it be?  
Well Tuiren is Sweet Annie Tuiren or Sweetie
Socks is Sweetheart
Scylla is Lovebug and Sweetthing
Fenris is Sugar 

OK, now we are suppose to nominate a bakers dozen we thinks that is 12 blogs. We thinks all of you are just the sweetest things especially the way you have stepped up and offered love and support first for Tuiren with her heartworms and now for Socks with his Feline Lekumia. We nominates all of you. Please knows we loves and appreciates all of you.

~Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs 


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