Meowy Monday with Scylla

Meowy Monday with Scylla

Our roses have stopped blooming now.

And the pretty yellow hibiscus has gone to live at Grandma's house. Mommy got it for her, for Mother's Day.

Our Dusty Miller is doing well.

The Lily of the Nile Bloom before Daddy whacked it with the weed eater. I am very sads it hasn't shown any inclination to bloom again.

The Hummingbird Cottage.

Yellow Bells, I am very pleased with it this year it has had lots of blooms and lots of seed pods.

Chinese Bell Flower

Hope you enjoyed seeing everything these pictures were taking the first part of May. The roses are done blooming now but everything else is blooming up a storm. ~Scylla reporting for ATCAD

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The front flower bed. The Gladiolas did good this year they stood up straight while they were blooming and didn't flop over. It helped that we didn't get heavy winds and rain during the period they were blooming. The ornamental pepper, we just...

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