Michelin Wants to Dump Cats to a Kill Shelter

Michelin Wants to Dump Cats to a Kill Shelter

We just read some horrible news over at Forever Homes For Everyone.

Michelin North America has their U.S. headquarters in South Carolina. Many employees there have been taking care of the strays and the feral cats for years. No longer. Employees at the facility in South Carolina have been told, in part:


Notice regarding campus cats….due to the increasing number of cats on the campus, all cats will be humanely collected on January 15th and taken to the Greenville Animal Shelter. Currently we have 5 kittens and several adult cats available for adoption. If you are interested, please contact Jane Rainwater 864-422-4239.

It is important to point out the the Greenville Animal Shelter is a KILL facility.
This is the email we had Mommy send

Please do not send the cats living on your campus to a kill shelter. There are other alternatives.

There are two NO-Kill shelters nearby
Pet Haven of South Carolina &The Critter Connection

Also you should consider Trap-Neuter-Release
You can visit Ally Cat Allies for more information about allowing the neutered and spayed cats to continue to live on your campus.

Please show some compassion to these defenseless cats.

CALL TO ACTION: Email the Michelin Corporate folks and tell them just what you think of their corporate image. You can email them here: Michelin’s Corporate Citizenship Email, or better yet, give them a call and let them know what citizenship grade you would give them. Do what you can to call attention to this situation before it is too late!!!

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