Scott Alls wants to kill feral cats

Scott Alls wants to kill feral cats

We missed this when it was first published in our local paper.
Feral cats a health danger

A proposal by the Humane Society of South Misissippi to trap, neuter and return feral cats to their environment was tabled by the Biloxi Council this week after a wildlife biologist said he was appalled at the idea.

Scott Alls with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services contacted the council by letter. He said the colony of cats “are a real threat to people and pets as well as the environment.” Feral cats typically carry rabies, feline AIDS, ringworm and other diseases, he said.

“The only solution to this problem in Biloxi is a trapping program where the strays are humanely euthanized,” Alls advised.

We are very sad that there is such an ignorant person in a position to influence others. If anyone knows how to contact Mr. Alls, we would like to educate him about the Trap Neuter and Return progam. You can find lots of wonderful information about TNR at Ally Cat Allies.

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