Minerva May Honeycut Returns

Minerva May Honeycut Returns

A little rain didn't dampen our gardening spirits this weekend.
Instead, it gave us the opportunity to work in the greenhouse.

We are never at a loss for willing helpers!
Amanda and I filled the workbench with pots of soil and planted seeds for
zinnias, sunflowers, morning glories,
corn, green beans, limas, purple broccoli, orange cauliflower,
pumpkins, squash and gourds,
as well as more onions and several herbs.

Over the next few weeks these tiny seeds will germinate and grow into seedlings 
that we will transplant into the garden boxes.

We donned our rain gear and also put 150 strawberry plants into the garden.
We opted for two varieties....AC Valley Sunset and Cabot.
Cabot are known for hardy, disease resistant plants and huge, sweet berries.
Goodness I can already taste the strawberry shortcake!

Minerva May Honeycut, mastergardener, had a makeover.

In  2009 she looked like this...

in 2010 (she had gone on a diet)....


And this year, after a little plastic surgery over the winter,
(I decided to try to make her face more three dimensional this year)
and a new wardrobe, she looks like this.....

(Thanks to Amanda for drawing her facial features.)

Minerva has been hard at work, tending garden much earlier this year.
As a result, the sugar peas look like this...

The rhubarb will soon be ready to start harvesting...

The perennial herbs are looking luscious....

Sunday's excitement included catching the Nigerian goats (always mayhem!)
for Hubbs and I to trim their hooves...

 And Dr. Becky to vaccinate and worm them...

By far, the best part of the weekend was a special visit by Tyler.

We had lunch and visited with all of the animals.

Bobby seemed to be Tyler's favorite this time.

But better than the animals was the ride in Aunt Becky's gator!

Weekends are always fun on the farm!

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