What Was Frozen Last Week Is Mud This Week

What Was Frozen Last Week Is Mud This Week

One of the differences between donkeys and horses,
aside from the obvious,
is the fact that....

horses (ponies, too) don't have enough sense to come in out of the weather.

They will stand out in the rain or snow or hail...
totally oblivious to the fact that it is precipitating.

"What rain?"

Whereas donkeys
(who I tend to think are of superior intelligence)
always know enough to stay inside when it gets nasty out.

"No way, we're not going out in this stuff!"

Perhaps it is just that donkeys are way vainer than horses.
At least these girls are.
They never roll in mud...
but prefer to keep their coats fluffy and clean at all times...
(except for pine shavings that end up on their backs from sleeping inside.)

With the showers we are experiencing, I thought it a good time to check out
our chain/rain barrel set up at the old log cabin.

It seems that this system works quite well in diverting the water off of the roof 
and away from the foundation.

See how the water clings to the chain as it falls to the barrel?
(Not to mention how cool it looks!)

Some of us have no choice...
and have to go out in the rain.
Thank goodness for waterproof rain suits!

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