More about the Love Cruise ~ By Scylla & Charybdis

More about the Love Cruise ~ By Scylla & Charybdis

Socks and MoMo (photo edited by Sassy and SS)

We had a terrific time. There was lots of good food to eat and new friends to meet. Socks and MoMo danced up a storm. Drop by MoMo's post about the dinner party to see everyone all dressed up.

- Socks & The Flying Carpet
(MoMo, Socks & Sassy picture by Karl) MoMo and Sassy came picked me up on the flying carpet. I have to tell you flying carpets are pawsome. It's like being curled up on your favourite carpet at home and then you are wherever you want to go and...

- We Went To The Cat Realm's Annual Lizard Bbq By Scylla
(Photo by Karl)We were invited to The Cat Realm's Annual Lizard BBQ and first Blogoversary. Other guest were Kattenpraat, Sassy, Momo, Opus and Roscoe, Charlie, Asta, Momo and Pinot, Charlotte, Riley, & the gang at Jan's Funny Farm. I am...

- Happy St. Patrick's Day ~ By Socks
Sassy made this lovely poster of all all the cats and dogs who went on the Grand St. Paddy's Day Adventure. We think she got everybody in the picture, there were so many of us it was hard to keep track. We even lost Scylla a time or two as she would...

- Eireann Go Brach ! By Scylla
March 15th we participated in The Denny Treasure Hunt and attended the Skyfest at Cashel then we meet our friends at Ashford Castle (there may be a wee bit of time traveling involved, being cats silly things like time do not interfer with our fun). ...

- Venice Is Lovely ~ Scylla & Charybdis
Photo by SS Oh, this was so much fun!!!! We have to go back again next year. We felt like princess in our lovely costumes, and Socks looked so handsome. MoMo had to talk him into dressing up, but he looked so nice he was glad he did. And SS took this...

