More Potty Problems
A sixth-grader who was denied permission to use the restroom while taking a state achievement test this week had an accident in class, and a school administrator blamed an overzealous teacher.
The shame brought to the student, who had to urinate, was an unfortunate outcome of efforts to prevent cheating, said Sandy Valley Local Schools Superintendent David Janofa."There are no words we could say. We feel horrible about this happening," he said.Bathroom breaks are permitted during the tests, which help determine school rankings and the state's annual report cards, said J.C. Benton, spokesman for the Ohio Department of Education.Read the rest in The Sun Herald.
Mississippi Is In The Middle Of An "academic Disaster"
Mississippi is in the middle of an "academic disaster," and attitudes and practices must change for the state to compete with the rest of the country in education. That was the message to the more than 3,000 teachers and administrators Tuesday morning...
Middle School Teacher Instructed An Eighth Grader To Urinate In A Bottle
A middle school teacher instructed an eighth grader to urinate in a bottle in class instead of allowing him go to the bathroom, the boy and his mother said Friday. Thirty-one classmates heard Michael Patterson, 14, relieve himself into an empty Gatorade...
Homeschooling & Sports
HEM posted on how one of the disadvantages of homeschooling is sports. Some states like Florida allow homeschoolers to play on public high school teams. Tebow blows apart the stereotype of the nerdy, anti-social home- school kid whose athletic prowess...
Study: State Ranks Lowest In Education
Mississippi ranked last in K-12 achievement and below average in fourth-grade math and reading, eighth-grade math and reading and the public school graduation rate. That's right last, so maybe Mr. Bounds should spend more time worrying about how...
Homeschooling In Mississippi
"Where Mississippi is normally at the bottom of everything in the United States, as far as home-school regulations, they are the best state to home school. You have free rein to teach your children what you feel like they need to learn," Sims said. "Mississippi...