

I found this plaque on Saturday in State College.
(We attended the annual Penn State Arts Festival there.)
As soon as I saw it, I knew it belonged in my garden.

I must have a very quiet heart, because my garden is always filling
me with music.

Listen carefully,
can't you hear the soft sounds of a symphony coming from this foxglove?
I hear the tender strings of a violin from this beauty.

Time spent in the garden grounds me...
slows my heartbeat, lowers my blood pressure, clears my mind.

Wait, what's that peaking out from the midst of this clump of asters?

Why, it's Bobby cat.
It seems he enjoys the music in the garden as well!

On Sunday we had a visit from old friends...
neighbors who had moved to North Carolina came for a visit.

Whenever we have visitors, the animals benefit as much as we do.
Extra doses of loving are always given freely,
especially when the guests are such animal lovers like our old friends are!

Of all the animals, Ginger and MaryAnn seem to enjoy company the most.

I am pretty sure that because these gals are so intelligent,
they enjoy the extra mental stimulation that having guests gives them.
MaryAnn is singing for joy!

And, it seems that piggie joy is infectious!!

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