My Co-Pilot

My Co-Pilot

Since we are in the midst of relocating to full time life at the farm, Hubbs often asks me if I think I might get lonely without having people around during the day. How can a gal be lonely when she always has a companion? No matter what the chore, Tom Tom is always hanging around the barn ready to help. He keeps me laughing, though, as his favorite game is manure soccer.

- Dog Days
There's probably nothing that our dogs love more than the adventure of going for a walk.And especially now after all the rainy days we endured last week.(We received over a foot of rain last week!) (Hickory, our 16 year old partially blind gal, gets...

- Bob Is My Co-pilot
You've all seen them.....those tractor trailers on the road that boast "God is my co-pilot". While I don't refute that claim....I have to admit that my co-pilot is much less grandiose. On those trips into the pasture to clean up horse manure,...

- Then And Now
It is so hard to believe that just a few short months ago, our driveway up to the house looked like this..... And now it looks like this...For the past year we wanted time to pass quickly so that we could get to this point in time. Now, I would like to...

- "farm Time"
We live in a world that is divided into time zones. We know when we travel that we will have to adjust to those changes in time zones. What I have come to learn, living on the farm, is that there is yet another time is "farm time". It seems...

- Goodbye Garden
How amazing is it that one day you have 20 or so pepper plants loaded with all different varieties and the next day they are gone? Chalk that one up to a killing frost. The past couple of nights have brought Bee Haven Acres temperatures in the very low...

