Then and Now

Then and Now

It is so hard to believe that just a few short months ago, our driveway up to the house looked like this.....

And now it looks like this...
For the past year we wanted time to pass quickly so that we could get to this point in time. Now, I would like to slow time way down so that we can enjoy each day to the fullest, and still have time left to get all of the work done. I guess it doesn't work that way.....time has a mind of its own.

Oh, and I took that lonely pumpkin and placed it in my old wagon (with a fresh coat of paint) along with a few other pumpkins and that pumpkin isn't lonely any more.

- Gardening Note
Yesterday I planted some mounding strawberries. I also got the pine-straw out from around the ones we planted last year, got the dead leaves off, and sprayed them with a fungicide. They already have strawberries on them. We should have fresh strawberries...

- What Your Mother Meant When She Said "don't Eat Like A Pig"
As I sit here gathering my thoughts,the house is filled with the aroma of roasting pumpkin. This year I snagged one of the big Cinderella pumpkins that I had foundfor Autumn decorating...cut it into segments (only using about a third of the

- Washed Clean
There is something wonderful in a morning that follows a night of showers. The air and the land are clean and fresh...all hints of pollen, dust, and grime temporarily gone. It's a fresh slate....and it's just waiting to be doodled upon. That's...

- Curb Appeal (oh, Yea, We Have No Curbs!)
Work continues on the decks around our log home. Our contractor promises that we will be totally finished by the end of September. That completion date is hard to believe; with soffit, fascia, gutters, decks, screen porch and final grading still to be...

- My Co-pilot
Since we are in the midst of relocating to full time life at the farm, Hubbs often asks me if I think I might get lonely without having people around during the day. How can a gal be lonely when she always has a companion? No matter what the chore, Tom...

