My Love/Hate Relationship With Mother Nature

My Love/Hate Relationship With Mother Nature

Today's post might be shorter than most.
At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I must share with you...
I am despondent.

I awoke to a heavy frost yesterday morning.
(We're talking ice in the goat's water buckets...that's how cold it was.)
Apparently, we sustained 30 degrees for several hours.

I fear that my strawberries, blueberries, grapes and maybe the fruit trees
will all be rendered fruitless this year.

Even the vegetables that were covered took a hit.

All of our plants are showing evidence of cell death....even the cold tolerant plants.

I realize that in the grand scheme of life, this is nothing.
This is not flood, famine, earthquake, tornado, hurricane.
And my house is not sinking into a hole in the earth.
No... this is small potatoes.

But, still, to me.... it is very sad to spend months tending to tiny plants and seedlings...
watching their progress...
and then have one icy night all but wipe them all away!

Luckily, I still have more in the greenhouse to plant.
So, I will be spending this whole week in the garden.
Planting.... planting.... planting.

With an occasional break for this....
(I can't tell you how nice it is to have a potty at the barn!)

and this....

and this...

and this....

And I will be wearing this...

You, too, could wear this if you like.
I ordered it from Ink Pixie (.com).
They have several designs available which you can personalize 
with the name of your farm
or mine.
They also have t-shirts, embroidered caps, etc.
(FYI....they run just a little small.)

So... time to pick my self up by my muck boot straps and get to work!!
Such is life on a farm.

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