After The Rains

After The Rains

There is something utterly delightful about the smell of the air
after it has been freshly cleansed by Spring rains.
There is a clarity that fills your nostrils and makes its way into your lungs...
an energy, a freshness that fills you with the smell of green.
You know how green smells, don't you?

On this particular morning, I drink in the freshness of the air
as a weary nomad drinks from an oasis in the desert...
quenching my thirst for Spring as my lungs inflate.

A morning such as this is as close to heaven as I can imagine.
And so I linger here, watching the horses...
breathing... in and out...deeper...deeper...
enjoying the freshness of the new morning.

Heavy rains left a small stream in the lowest part of the front pasture.

It is here, in this area, that the horses spend most of their time this morning.

I venture closer and it doesn't take me very long to understand their attraction to this place.

Moonbeam is grazing from a spot mid-stream...
nibbling, chewing...

then sinking his nose deeply into the water and drinking....



all at the same time!

It's a curious sight...and at the same time, a stroke of genius.
The horses have figured out how to do two things at one time.
And drink.

Spring may have lured me into a false sense of security,
but in checking the extended forecast...
it seems we are not to have any more freezing weather through Mother's Day.
So, I am taking a huge leap of faith and doing my planting a bit early.

It is my hope that this will enable us to eat our vegetables a little earlier this year.

Either that, or I may be eating my words.

The cool weather crops are in and will be fine, regardless.
The risky planting is the rows of corn plants that I transplanted from greenhouse to garden.
If they fail, I can always start over and plant seed right into the ground.
But, if this works, we will be enjoying fresh organic corn on the cob weeks before anyone else does.
I'm not much of a gambler, but this year I feel lucky!  

I also got a little head start on my fairy garden.

I have much more to plant, and much more to design, paths to make, streams to make...
but here it is in the beginning stages...

There is even a little troll who lives beneath the stone bridge!


Oh goodness, it's Friday again!!
We have a quiet weekend planned...
taking delivery of hay on Saturday and working in the garden.
We'll be back on Monday with more "Tails" for you!

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