Normalcy Restored

Normalcy Restored

Normalcy has returned to the farm...
no excitement (thank heavens!)

Today we are spending the day transplanting all of our seedlings from our greenhouse into our garden.

Little tiny corn plants, and popcorn, too!

Tomatoes and squashes....

Peppers and green beans....

It won't be long before we have more vegetables than we can use.
Then the work begins...
canning, preserving, freezing, etc.

Monday  I will post pictures of the finished garden planting.

Edith remains safe on her nest.

One of the guineas spends the entire day hanging around outside the underbrush
where Edith is nesting.
I'd like to think he is there to protect her.
But, who can know what goes on in a guinea mind!

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mine will be quiet...tending to the farm,
and an upper respiratory infection that has its grip on me.

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