No More Pets

No More Pets

The Texas Sun Dogs have a post on some proposed laws that should horrify all pet lovers. Please go to their blog and read

- Tuiren Tuesday
Wow the floor is so clean I can see my reflection in it. Mommy you should mop more often. While I may not have much to say here, I am barking up a storm on Savannah's blog.  "Real Rescue Dogs Are Talking:Life Changing Interviews with Savannah"...

- Texas Gave Us An Award
Texas gave us this pawsome award. We are tickled pink about it. We are suppose to pass it on to seven more blogs which we will do later today (or maybe tomorrow) as Mommy has to go to the store and get us some FOOD. For some silly reason she won't...

- Pet Food Recall ~ From Itchmo
Do read the whole post, but I just had to comment on this. The deaths of dozens of dogs and cats nationwide have been linked to imported pet food containing Chinese wheat gluten tainted with the chemical melamine. (Emphasis ours.) How many times have...

- Pets Before Profit
Elaine Vigneault has a pets before profit button for your blog, you can get the button here. Itchmo has a petition for you to sign here. Even if you don't have pets please consider signing the petition. After all what's bad for our pets is...

- New Numbers From Petconnection, 2,237 Pets Dead
This morning from the PetConnection database (8:30 a.m. PT): 2,237 deceased pets (1,257 cats, 980 dogs). I am still trying to deal with the loss of Whiskers, trying to comprehend that 2,237 other pets have meet the same fate is so................................

