Texas gave us an award

Texas gave us an award

Texas gave us this pawsome award. We are tickled pink about it. We are suppose to pass it on to seven more blogs which we will do later today (or maybe tomorrow) as Mommy has to go to the store and get us some FOOD. For some silly reason she won't allow us to blog when she isn't here to snoopervise.

Texas thank you so much. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

- Opposites Attract Award ~ Thanks Savannah & Brian
Oh isn't this a pretty award. My friend Savannah from Savannah's Paw Tracks gave it to me. Thank you so much Savannah. Firstly, you need to thank the blogger who gave you the Opposites Attract Award and link back to their blog.  Easy peasy....

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
JFF, gave us this pawsome award Thank Cat or I wouldn't have a Mancat Monday Post. The Mom has been slacking lately. She seems to think planting flowers is more important then helping us blog!  And if her gardening activities aren't bad...

- I Am So Excited!!!!!!!
Hi it's Scylla here. I am so excited King Brian got his very first award and he passed it on to me, Scylla!!!!!!! Isn't it pretty with the flowers and the butterfly? The translation means "Your Blog Doesn't Stink" and the only rule is to link...

- Our Lovely Blog Award
Thoughts Fur Paws gave us this beautiful award. Aren't the pink roses and teacup pretty? The rules are that we must link to the friend that gave us the award….that's Thoughts Fur Paws. And give the award to up to 15 blogs we have recently discovered....

- Update 2008 Brillante Weblog Award
We are so honored Shadow & Molly gave us this award. The rules for the Brillante Weblog Award are as follows: The award may be displayed on a winner’s blog. Add a link to the person who you received the award from. (Thank you Shadow & Molly)....

