Not Cute Enough

Not Cute Enough

Well Powder Puff (aka Artemisia) is right, I am not cute enough. She'll never let me forget it either. I wants to thank all my friends for supporting me and their kind words of encouragement. I am still a WINNER cause I has wonderful friends like you, the most TERRIFIC BOYFRIEND (King Brian), and my Mommy thinks I am cute enough and that is all that really matters to me.

Now that I am not in training and don't have to worry about being cute I am going to inhale a big bowl of cream to console myself, and maybe I'll even have an extra helping of shrimps for lunch.

Congratulations Cookie, your keyboard move was too cute. I enjoyed getting to know you and I had Mom add you to our blog roll so we can get to know you better. Good luck with your next round! ~Scylla

- Scylla Sunday
 What do you mean I DON'T BELONG ON THE TABLE???????? There are TWO DOGGIES on the floor!!!!!!! I can't possibly get down. Well if you insist. ~Hisses, Scylla Purrs: Eric and Flynn are having a Cute Cat Contest and Mommy talked me into entering....

- Fenris Friday ~ Too Darn Cute
 It's time for Mango Minister 2012. We are all very excited as we had so much FUN last year. The hard part is picking a category. Do I belong in ..................Bad Sports, Adventure Animals, Cracker Critters, Too Darn Cute, or Working Stiffs?...

- Am I Cute Enough?
I am in the ring at  Kitty Fight Club Round 5 – Scylla vs Cookie, could you stop in and vote for me. I has to prove to the Powder Puff aka Artemisia that she isn't the only cute cat around our house. ...

- To Cute For Words
Don't you think I am cute? Mommy??? (Alasandra: Artemisia I think you are adorable) Whew, I was worried!!! Mommy let Scylla enter the Kitty Fight Club so I thought she didn't think I was cute enough. Turns out I was just too old. Can you believe...

- These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things
I have a new item on my "favorite things" list.Preschoolers.Adorably cute, innocent, enthusiastic, honest, loving...and so much more. Yesterday morning, 26 cars pulled up to the farm,and out hopped 28 preschoolers, some with younger brothers and sisters...

