Not Much Happening....On The Surface

Not Much Happening....On The Surface

Yesterday morning I spent some time in the front pasture as the horses were grazing.

As I watched them peacefully chew,
I came to realize how deeply rooted in this land I have become...
and how much this farm has taught me.

Although the temperatures would lead one to believe that we are 
still in the midst of Summer's visit,
there are so many signs that she's packing her bags and preparing to leave us!

One need not have a calendar to know that September arrived last week.
No... living in tune with the land gives a person the ability to recognize the subtle
changes that happen from week to week.

The sound of morning on the farm has drastically changed.
No longer are my morning chores accompanied by a symphony of bird songs,
but instead the subtle chirp of crickets fills the air.
The cicadas are silent, as are all but the last couple of katydids.

The monarch butterflies have emerged from their cocoons and are flitting from
flower to flower gathering energy for their long flight to their mating grounds.

The swallows, robins, and hummingbirds have headed south, leaving their empty nests behind.
The grackles have begun to flock... gathering armies in preparation for their mass exodus.

By outward appearance, not much has changed.
The leaves on the trees remain green.
The flowers continue to bloom... bees busily gathering nectar and pollen
as they have for months.

And yet...each day brings a little more change... subtle change.
Being here to see it and (better yet) to recognize it is magical!
I feel so privileged to be a student of this earth...
and to have Mother Nature as my tutor.

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