Green, Green Everywhere

Green, Green Everywhere

Well, Mother's Day weekend was not all I had hoped it would be.
Yes, little man spent the weekend with us. pictures were taken.
Our animals visits were from the shelter of the gator as it rained almost the entire 
time Tyler was here.

And if we had taken pictures it would have showed a 
little man with green goo in his nose, green boogers in his eyes that were
somewhat glassed over, a fever, cough, and general malaise....
not such a good picture for sharing!

We spent a quiet weekend inside the house playing puppets, trains, puzzles, etc.

As luck would have it, the sun returned after Tyler left us.
We are getting a taste of just how fickle Mother Nature can be.

Last night and tonight, temperatures are predicted to dip into the 30's...
with the scary possibility of frost.

Leaving nothing to chance, we decided to be proactive and cover
any tender veggie plants that might suffer from the chill.

Of course, all work is done under the watchful eyes of two turkeys,

and several horses.

(We humans are such a curiosity to them...
their curiosity centered around their next meals, I am sure!)

As you can see, the garden is progressing nicely.

We are feasting on asparagus daily.

The radishes are soon ready to be plucked from their earthly home.

And everything green is growing....

(cauliflower, kale and brussels sprouts)


(sugar peas and onions)


(lots and lots of broccoli love!)

I am counting on the broccoli, kale, cabbage, and cauliflower tolerating the cold,
but everything else has its own little plastic greenhouse for the next two days.

This is one of the hardest parts of gardening, and farming as a whole...
the inability to control or even bargain with Mother Nature.
Nope... she's the boss, and will be the first one to demonstrate that!

Lastly, I am wondering where I have been the last several years....
because I could swear that the rhubarb has never flowered before.
This year....

an enormous stalk of a blossom that started out red and turned white.
I'm sure I would have noticed this before!
How about you...
does your rhubarb flower like this every year???

PS....don't plant a little horseradish root and assume you will get a little horseradish!
No, within a few years you will have horseradish plants coming out your ears!

Just a month ago we harvested two foot-long horseradish roots...
and still more keeps growing (and flowering).

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