One Honey of a Day

One Honey of a Day

Please excuse the brevity of this post.
I am writing this Thursday night after 10:00 PM.

I have just finished filling every jar that I saved over the past year
with the most delicious honey we have ever harvested.

For four hours we cut the caps off of the honey comb...

spun the frames in the centrifuge...

then filtered...

 and finally bottled about 7 gallons of honey.

And that was just one hive's honey.


What a summer it has been...
each and every harvest has been plentiful.

Besides harvesting honey, I also mowed our largest pasture,
and did a woodworking project... as well as the normal farm chores.
Needless to say I am tired.

So, I will leave you with this little question...

Who do you suppose bit a hole in the end of Chloe's fly mask?

All I can say is... Daphne's not talking!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
We are spending ours with friends for a brief getaway
to the Chesapeake Bay.

The farm will be well tended by family and friends in our absence.
Our animals won't even miss us.
They'll have a weekend with lots of lovin'!

PS:  It's 10:40 PM and I have just crawled into bed...
Hubbs lets Sammy into the house.
What's that awful smell?
Oh, NO.....Sammy.....skunk.
No bedtime here...nope....time to give Sam a de-skunk bath.
That Sam........

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