Honey Harvest

Honey Harvest

This past weekend, Andy and Lindsey came home from Charlotte for a visit. Neither of them had ever had an opportunity to wear bee suits and see the inside of a hive. So we decided to suit up and pull off the supers that were going to be used for our honey harvest.We pulled off two supers and closed them up with a one way exit on the top...trying to rid the supers of as many bees as possible. Then we let them sit until the next day.
We actually extracted the honey on Monday with the help of our good friends, Tim and Ann. We were able to spin off ten pounds of honey...not enough to sell, but enough to get us through the next few months.

This year was a "growing" year. The beehives were new and these bees had much work to accomplish....building honeycomb, raising brood and storing the winter's honey. So, all in all I count this as a successful year.

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