Organization and Homeschooling

Organization and Homeschooling

For me organization is key to homeschooling. I usually draw up lesson plans over the summer and during our Christmas break and very few things have us deviating from my plan. But I have found it helpful to give Lord Epa a certain amount of control over what he is required to do on any given day. So one week we may do all our Advanced Mathematics on Monday, History on Tuesday, Literature & Spanish on Wednesday, Physical Science on Thursday and Sociology on Friday and the next week we may do a more conventional one hour (or more) on each subject every day.

The few things that have us deviating from my plan.

  1. The opportunity to participate in a field trip - in this case Lord Epa and I usually mutually rearrange the schedule to accommodate the field trip.

  2. Illness - In this case we try to do as much as we can. Lord Epa will usually cheerfully do all his reading assignments no matter how bad he feels. When I am the one who is ill Lord Epa does as much as he can on his own and then as I feel like it we work on those things requiring my input. On rare occasions Hubby/Shining Celebi take over my role as teacher.

  3. Unexpected family vacations - This usually requires changing our allotted holidays to fit the vacation. Our trip to Oahu was well worth the additional weeks of schooling during what would have normally been our summer vacation.

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