Pampered Pooches

Pampered Pooches

Ok, I'll admit it.
I might just go a little overboard
with our critters.

I try hard to make sure that everyone is comfortable
when the cold winter winds blow.

This past weekend, temperatures dipped into the 20's.
Going out to do chores in the morning was a bit nippy.
I thought perhaps my helpers needed to bundle up a bit.

Hickory loves to dress up.

Even Sam thought he looked pretty spiffy.

Oakley, on the other hand was not too happy.
You can even see the scowl on his face!

The boys tussled a bit and I overheard them say,
"Hey, you're a sissy, Mom made you wear a coat."
"I'm  not a sissy, you're a sissy!"

Maddie and Sadie have naturally long, thick coats.
The colder it is, the happier they are!

Needless to say, once they were off and running,
the coats came off...and the boys were much happier.

Later that afternoon, we took a walk with Tyler.
No coats were needed by this time...
except Tyler, who was bundled up.
Sam and Oakley breathed a sigh of relief!

Our little Penn State fan...could his cheeks be any chubbier?

Hickory loves to ride in the bottom of the stroller.
After all, she already worked with us in the morning.
Old gals need a rest sometimes!

I know, our pooches are pampered,
maybe even a bit spoiled.
But for all we give to them,
they give so much more back to us...
unconditional love
lots of licks!

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