We're Havin' a Heat Wave...

We're Havin' a Heat Wave...

....a tropical heat wave!!

Great News!!

The Jetstream has finally made its way back down out
of Canada, and with it has brought us some warm weather.

Yesterday the temperature was in the upper 40's.
After what we have endured for the past 3 months,
the 40's felt balmy.
We shed our winter gear, put on our rain gear
and gave Maddie, our Newfie, a much needed bath.
(Don't worry, that's warm water from that hose!)

It will take the next 48 hours for Maddie to dry.
Newfies are blessed with very thick double coats,
that are virtually impervious to water.
It takes a lot of shampoo and water to accomplish a bath.

While we were all reveling in the warmer weather,
Sadie kept seeking out the snow.
(You can take the dog out of the Alps,
but you can't take the Alps out of the dog!!)

And while Maddie was drying, and Sadie was cooling off,

Oakley was enjoying his daily dose of lovin!

And Tyler was showing us how mobile he has become.
Guess who's crawling???

All this next week, the temperatures are to be in the 50's.
With any luck, the rest of our snow will melt and
I can begin some late winter clean up.
Oh, how good it will be to get out in the fresh air,
and not freeze!!

I hope wherever you are, you are also having a welcomed relief
from the cold!!

PS:  Hugs and Kisses from all the critters here at Bee Haven Acres!!
Happy Valentine's Day to all of our friends!

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